Dit Leader+ project wordt medegefinancierd door de Europese Unie
en de Administratie Land- en Tuinbouw van het Ministerie van de Vlaamse Gemeenschap
In Olmen, hundreds of people came to count sheep on the grounds of the 15 Inn on Sunday. Landscape care vzw organized the 'Day of the Sheep' there. Sheep were herded, sheared and weighed. Those who wished could also cuddle lambs.
Our flying reporter already showed himself to be a big fan of sheep at the Sheep Shearing Festival in Heist-op-den-Berg last year. You can see the next step to shepherding in the video below!
Charming Bed & Breakfast
© 2015.15Inn Gestelseweg 15 Olmen Belgïe tel. / gsm : 014 820 546 / 0496 53 55 51